Build the Musicplay Community in Your District

Are you part of a district that hasn’t made MusicplayOnline available to all PreK-Middle School music teachers? Let's change that together! We would love to help you bring MusicplayOnline to the other teachers in your district.

Help us get in touch with your District Arts Coordinator! This is the person in your district office who oversees centralized arts purchasing and curriculum decisions. Please connect us with your district by cc'ing us on an introductory email. You can send this email to

Your role in connecting us with your District Arts Coordinator is greatly appreciated! As a thank you, you'll be eligible to receive at least one of the following as a thank you!*

  1. Connect us with your District Arts Coordinator and choose a free download from our list on the Musicplay Store!
  2. If your District Arts Coordinator chooses to purchase a district-wide subscription to MusicplayOnline, we will send you a $50 Discount Code to the Musicplay Store!

Feel free to use this template and modify as you see fit:

Hello [District Arts Coordinator],

I'm [your name and location], and I've been using MusicplayOnline for the past [time period]. I love it and think everyone should use it! I've included Morgan in this email. Morgan serves as a district representative for MusicplayOnline and has some exciting district-wide benefits to share with you.

Thank you for your time in connecting with Morgan!

Wishing you a fantastic day!

[Your email signature here]

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*Eligible districts must not be existing or previously quoted customers and must be seeking subscriptions for five or more teachers.